My 11 year old daughter Miriam was diagnosed in May '08. It has been a terrible roller coaster ride with ups and downs, including two hospital admissions with the high dosages of prednisolone, missing 2 solid months of school this past Fall due to her illness, being "fired" by one pediatric gastroenterologist when we refused medication, Asacol, that we discovered she had developed a food sensitivity to...We tried several alternative medicines, as well, going to accupuncturists for several weeks/months, nutritionists, a host of nutritional supplements. Her regimen for several weeks took her a solid hour to consume twice a day ( she was on so many supplements). She suffered so much and my husband and I worried so much. My life was consumed by her illness and I immersed myself in researching everything I could on her illness, both traditional and alternative. We tried the Leap food sensitivity diet and Specific Carb for a while. I believe that they can help some people, but they did not work for Miriam.
Nothing worked until recently...
We located another pediatric gasterenterologist who has prescribed prednisolone and Azathioprin.She will be off the Prednisolone in another 2 weeks. She needed the drugs to bring down her inflammation. BUT at the same time that we did this we started her on Aloe Elite and another Aloe product. Based on some research I liked qualities that both offered. The aloe elite has different lengths of chains, which seem to have different healing properties that are beneficial,so I have included their product in her healing regimen. I must say that the customer service at Aloe Elite was extremely helpful as well. I spoke for a good hour to the spokesperson advertised on their site and she offered me the hope and comfort I needed when I was feeling very scared and desperate...I also found the testimonials to be very encouaging and promised myself that if Miriam ever got better I would add my own testimonial in hopes that it may help someone else as a way to pay back for the encouragement I received.
Miriam did not improve immediately, in fact , she was hospitalized shortly after starting Aloe, but she was very, very sick at that time. She had lost a lot of weight from the disease and the crazy diets we had her on...and was just very ill 's.
At this time,Miriam continues her two Aloes, day and night, takes a probiotic daily and nystatin for a diagnosed candidas overgrowth. She continues the Azathioprin and Prednisolone( to be dc shortly).She also receives monthly NMT treatments. We found a great MD's office who practices homeopathic and alternative medicine, who is middle of the road. Their office did stool testing which discovered the candidas overgrowth and bacterial flora imbalance. After 3.5 months on this regimen, Miriam is symptom free and beginning to have more normal looking stools, instead of the mucous that she had for so long. She is finally sleeping through the night without waking up with pain and urgency to use the bathroom. She is starting to have lots of energy and is acting like a normal preteen, going to the movies with friends and joining her school's volleyball team. I attribute the Aloe as an important healing piece of the puzzle for her. She did not respond immediately, but she did respond to this combination. I really do believe in AloeElite's effectiveness and would recommend others trying it.
My other daughter, a dancer, 14, in high school, was diagnosed with IBS this past Fall, also candidas overgrowth, negative for Crohn's, thank G-d. She was having terrible stomach pains, bloating...We put her on a probiotic, Nystatin and AloeElite and she is very much improved..She is only being followed by the alternative medicine doctor's office, because her pediatrician really had nothing to offer us, when she was diagnosed with IBS. And, I really wanted to avoid any heavy duty drugs if we could for her..After only a couple months on this regimen, she is feeling much better.
I know this is long, but I am hoping my story will help someone else to not give up and keep trying. I plan to continue the Aloe for both of my daughters. I feel it is safe and healing for them and for some reason, they both are inclined to have stomache issues. I also have tried changing their diets, to less processed food,more proteins and vegetables, less sugar, but with pre-teens and teenage children it is hard to have them follow a strict diet, so I feel the Aloe and probiotic provides some insurance for them. I just pray that they both continue to remain healthy. Thanks to Aloe elite for their support during my time of need and for their product.
Michelle G. Missouri, USA