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Aloe Vera Health Supplement
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Aloe Vera Supplement
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AloeElite Aloe Vera Supplement - 500mg - 240 Count
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AloeElite Aloe Vera Supplement - 500mg - 240 Count Bottle
Each 100% all-natural AloeElite AMP 500mg capsule features:
375mg of Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMPs)
200X concentration for peak aloe potency
Certified Organically Grown Aloe
125 mg activated L-Glutamine powder
Fast-dissolving, easy-to-absorb formulation
Kosher vegetable capsule
See the
Manufacturing Process
for more information.
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5/5 rating
Ulcerative Colitis Review
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in February of 2018. The Dr.'s put me on Mesalamine. After researching about that steroid, about the associated side effects and the potential for damage from that medicine, I decided to look for something that was a natural remedy. I found Aloe Elite. I researched the heck out of it, it's components and read many peer reviewed articles about auto immune diseases. Aloe and its refined compounds (listed on Aloe Elite) kept showing positive results in many peer reviewed journal articles. I relocated from Montana to Albany, NY in August of 2018 for a fellowship and went for a check up to Albany Medical Center. They performed a colonoscopy on me. After telling them I completely cut my does of Mesalamine down to the bare minimum, AND replaced it with Aloe Elite by taking 4 tablets a day, they read the riot act to me about how I could have had serious deterioration in my condition. (My case was mild at the outset). I explained my side of the story and told them about all of the negative side effects that I read about Mesalamine and what I had discovered about the positive effects of Aloe; that I made the decision to go down to the most minimal does and use Aloe Elite primarily as an anti inflammatory. After the procedure, the Dr. came and told me they were amazed that there were no signs of ulcers but that the biopsy would be the best determination of where I stood. The biopsy came back reporting that there were no signs, at all, of ulcerative colitis. NONE. NOW - does that mean I am cured? No. I still have symptoms especially with certain foods. It does mean that what I have been using, 4 tablets of Aloe Elite and drink aloe (berry flavored ) in my shakes everyday, has had positive results. I have a 2 year check up this April, 2021. I will wait to see what the Dr.'s say. I am back In Montana now. Different perspectives for sure. The Montana Dr.'s were not very encouraging when I received the diagnosis in 2018 at all.... I will post my results here and will continue to do research. It's important to keep up with our health issues. If I was to say one thing though: Thank you Aloe Elite for the kick start of managing this disease for me. If anything changes, you'll be the first to know! I am grateful that there are products on the market like this. Please keep the discounts coming. I have been unemployed due to COVID since September of 2019!! Thanks again, Amy
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Reviewed by:
Amy R
from GREAT FALLS on 11/14/2020
5/5 rating
Healing me
I have been taking Aloe elite on and off for about 6 years. It really works however the cost is pricey for me. However, I sacrifice foregoing other expenses. I have a horrible case of severe IBS-constipation. Aloe heals the gut and eliminates the chronic pain, bloatedness, GERD. I've gain 20+ pounds since the pandemic. I feel horrible most of the time. I don't think I'll be going off of it again
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Reviewed by:
from bowie on 6/23/2020
5/5 rating
These capsules helped me in healing...
These capsules helped me in healing my gut from chron's. I am so grateful for this company for making this product.
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Reviewed by:
Subramanyam K
from Port Macquarie on 7/29/2019
5/5 rating
95% cured thanks to this product.
I consider myself to be about 95% cured from microscopic colitis (supposedly incurable) thanks to this product. I was so sick I should have been hospitalizing myself during my flares. Now a flare is really just a minor inconvenience for a couple of hours. It took about 6 months for me to notice, but I had MC for over 20 I just say stick with it to anyone who has been really ill for a long time.
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Reviewed by:
Mrs. Susan H.
from Montana on 3/28/2019
5/5 rating
Very Satisfied
I've used Aloe for around ten years and am very satisfied. Before that, I had gone through 40 plus years of problems, so was happy to have found this product. I did find it was also helpful to use activia and a probiotic daily.
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Reviewed by:
Betty E
from AZ and MN on 3/7/2019
5/5 rating
Great for Stomach Problems!
Great product! I would recommend it for people with intestinal or stomach problems. Also helps with acid reflux issues.
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Reviewed by:
from Idaho on 8/2/2018
5/5 rating
Ulcerative Colitis
I’m writing this to everyone suffering from Ulcerative Colitis. I was diagnosed with UC in my early 30’s and it nearly ruined my life. After two major flare-ups in one year and a 7 day hospital stay I was seriously contemplating colostomy surgery. Thankfully the surgeon and my Gastroenterologist talked me out it. After the hospital stint the doctor had me in for the Remicade injection. Realizing I couldn’t fight off a common cold, let alone pneumonia, I never returned for more injections. Those suffering from UC know about all the pills the doctors push. I’ve taken my share of Asacol and Prednisone. I finally decided to reach out on the internet and found the Aloe Elite website. I read some of the stories and decided to buy some. The price was a bit steep, but for those of us suffering can attest, cost is the least of our concerns! I followed the Aloe Elite directions and continued taking each day with my Asacol. Occasionally I would have minor flare-ups, noticing a little blood in the stool, and would increase the capsules as directed, usually just taking four per day. As time went on, I eventually built up enough confidence to quit the Asacol. It has been nearly two years since I gave up Asacol, and my Gastroenterologist, and have not had even a minor flare-up. I take two capsules of Aloe Elite every day when I get up and will continue for the rest of my life. I always order the special, buy two get one free. I’m not saying I will never get another flare-up but I know the last major flare-up was nine years ago. I’m sorry that it has taken me this long to write a review and only wish that someone with UC will stumble across this review. The doctors won’t tell you about Aloe Elite, but I will. I put it to the test and it does work. Aloe Elite gave me my life back! Imagine a life with normal bowl movements, no more flare-ups, no more pain, no more pills, no more staying close to a bathroom, and a diet of whatever you want. This has been my life since taking Aloe Elite. And to Aloe Elite, thanks to your wonderful phone operators and for an amazing product, keep up the great work!
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Reviewed by:
Robert Taylor
from Meridian, Idaho on 11/28/2016
5/5 rating
Aloe Elite
This product is fantastic for my IBS which was once very hard to control. Brilliant. Its a nuisance they dont sell it in the UK.
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Reviewed by:
from Shotton on 9/16/2016
5/5 rating
I highly recommend this product because it is a natural non-pharmaceutical treatment that produces GREAT RESULTS.
AloeElite was first introduced to me more than a dozen years ago as a potential aid in helping alleviate the symptoms associated with chronic and acute Ulcerative Colitis. I was experiencing a flare up (I call them bleeding out episodes) when an angel Patricia from AloeElite recommended I begin using this product. After several days the AloeElite began to reduce the internal inflammation and the flare up began to subside. Within approximately 2 weeks my symptoms were greatly reduced and within 4 weeks the flare up was gone. This product and it's contents have continued to keep my problem in check. Life is what it is and I know the symptoms for me are stress related. That is when I take a maximum dosage and AloeElite has always worked to help alleviate the suffering with this debilitating congenital disease. I take a small maintenance dosage when I am not in a flare up. I highly recommend this product because it is a natural non-pharmaceutical treatment that produces GREAT RESULTS. And, you cannot replace the great compassion the professionals at AloeElite offer sincerely and genuinely. Thank G_d for AloeElite.
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Reviewed by:
from Los Alamitos on 9/14/2016
5/5 rating
Great product. Have been taking for over 13 years and my stomach and GI issues have cleared. I have Celiac disease and with the help of being gluten free and taking Aloe Elite my belly and GI are quiet and calm. No more belly pain, gas, and all those other nagging GI stuff- if you know what I mean.
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Reviewed by:
Lori Goldenberg
from CT on 2/7/2016
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